A light and fragrant pizza

Filled with refined and high-quality ingredients, our pizza follows a 3-day leavening process that ensures maximum digestibility.

We have studied balanced pizzas also from a nutritional point of view, trying to find the right balance between Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats. Hence the idea of a pizza with only 175 grams of dough, compared to the 300 grams of the Neapolitan one.

Because for us, pizza should not only be good and tasty, but it should also be easily digestible and nourish our body in a healthy and balanced way.


Outdoor Location

In the summer, Milano Pizza & Drinks is located in the splendid setting of the park of the Hotel Milano, where you can dine comfortably among drapes of white tents, by the pool, or near a small fountain.

Open every day from 7:00 PM to 12:00 AM
also for lunch on Sundays.
Closed on Tuesdays

Private Events

All the indoor and outdoor spaces of the Hotel Milano constitute the ideal backdrop for organizing lunches, dinners, or refreshments for events such as birthdays, baptisms, confirmations, weddings.
The versatility of the spaces, the different possible setups, and an organization attentive to detail allow organizing every request, with distinctive and elegant service.


Indoor Location

Winter warmth can be experienced in the historic wing of the Hotel Milano, once a monastery, with its lit fireplaces and soft light.
Rear entrance of Hotel Milano in Piazza Taramelli.

Open every day from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM.
Closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays